I get as much joy out of seeing them on my shelf every day as I do using them! But in 2018, there’s absolutely no need to own a retail copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga to have a great experience playing it. For a Panzer enthusiast like me, owning items related to the series is fulfilling simply because they’re meaningful to me. The worth of Panzer Dragoon Saga varies from one Saturn owner to another. But while Panzer Dragoon Saga is still revered by fans as one of the Sega Saturn’s greatest treasures, this post-apocalyptic adventure now lives in the shadow of its exorbitant ~$500 price of admission in 2018. Panzer Dragoon Saga – as it would later become known to English-speakers in the spring of 1998 – impressed at launch with its expansive 3D environments, fluid battle system, and ambiguous mode of storytelling that kept players guessing until the credits rolled.

Monday, January 29, marked the 20th anniversary of Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG’s original release in Japan.