If any confidential information is included in the recording the access, storage, and sharing of the content must include security safeguards approved by HSC IT security. If recording is allowed or required participants should be notified that the session is being recorded. The Zoom feature to record a sessions should be disabled by default. Procedures for sending the passwords are provided by the enterprise service provider or established by the department and may be embedded in unique links sent out prior to the meeting. Require a password: Attendees must provide the password for the session joining the meeting. When establishing or scheduling video conferencing services and sessions, the requester must indicate the intended purpose and whether private or confidential information will be shared during the video conference session. The base level safeguards block threats involving misuse of the service, disruptions of the session, modification or destruction of content, and/or unauthorized access to the video session. Safeguards are required for all video sessions. Minimum Safeguards (no private or confidential information): Please complete the Zoom HIPAA Compliant Account training in Learning Central (online course CLT 198) to complete your certification and to have a HIPAA Compliant Zoom license issued to you. To conduct Patient Consultations or meetings involving PHI, providers must use a HIPAA Compliant Telehealth Zoom license, issued by the UNM Center for Telehealth.

The licenses are for individual accounts only and not for resource, department or generic accounts. Submit a Zoom Pro license using this form.Make sure you have signed into Zoom at least once using the instructions above.To be upgraded to an individual Zoom Pro License (HSC NetID and password required), you will need to: Use your HSC network credentials to create a basic account. Anyone in HSC can use Zoom with a basic account this has constraints in hosting a meeting, with a 40 minute limit on meetings. Zoom is a high-definition video conferencing and desktop sharing software.